101 Harry Potter Jokes That Make You Think

101 Harry Potter Jokes That Make You Think

Harry Potter is a beloved series of books and movies that has captured the hearts of fans of all ages. In addition to its heartwarming story and exciting adventures, the Harry Potter series is also known for its humor.

From the witty banter between Harry and his friends to the hilarious antics of Professor Snape, the Harry Potter books and movies are full of funny moments.

If you’re a fan of Harry Potter jokes, you’re in for a treat. This blog post contains a list of 101 Harry Potter jokes that are sure to make you laugh.

Best 101 Harry Potter Jokes

1. Why did Professor Snape stand in the middle of the road? So you’ll never know which side he’s on.

2. What’s Professor McGonagall’s favorite type of music? Transfiguration.

3. Why did Voldemort apply for a job at the bakery? Because he wanted to make “You-Know-Dough.”

4. What do you call a wizard who likes to go outside? Patio Patronum.

5. How do you organize a space party with Professor Trelawney? You planet.

6. What’s a Death Eater’s favorite game at a party? Hide and seek, because good luck finding them.

7. How do you unlock a door at Hogwarts? Alohamora-zing.

8. What do you get if you cross a Ravenclaw with the internet? An e-wit.

9. Why did Harry Potter go to the bank? To find his “Quill”ings.

10. How does Harry Potter get rid of a rash? With “Ointmentum Leviosa.”

11. Why did Hagrid bring an umbrella to the Quidditch match? Because he wanted to watch the game in “Hagrid” style.

12. What’s a Slytherin’s favorite day of the week? Sssssssssaturday.

13. Why did the Dementor go to therapy? To get to the heart of the matter.

14. What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert at the Hogwarts feast? I-Scream.

15. What’s Professor Flitwick’s favorite song? “Tiny Dancer” by Elton John.

16. Why did Mad-Eye Moody always carry a broomstick? In case he needed to “sweep” the area.

17. What do you call a pile of cats at Hogwarts? A meowtain.

18. How do you make a Hogwarts student stop talking? Put up a “Hush” spell.

19. What did the Golden Snitch say to Harry during the Quidditch match? “Catch me if you can!”

20. What do you call a group of musical wizards? A band of gnomes.

21. How do you organize a fantastic feast at Hogwarts? You “spell” it out.

22. Why was Professor Snape a terrible stand-up comedian? Because his jokes were always “potions” of the same.

23. What’s the wizarding world’s favorite board game? Wizard’s Chess, of course.

24. Why did the broom get kicked off the Quidditch team? It couldn’t “handle” the pressure.

25. How do you make a Butterbeer float? Add some “soda-lishus.”

26. What’s the most magical creature in the world? The unicorn, because it’s a one-of-a-kind.

27. Why did Luna Lovegood bring a ladder to Hogwarts? Because she wanted to go to “another level” of thinking.

28. What do you call a painting at Hogwarts that’s always in a hurry? A “rush” masterpiece.

29. Why did Fred and George start a joke shop? Because they wanted to “Weasley” their way into the humor business.

30. How does Professor Lupin take his coffee? With “chocolate howl-ups.”

31. What’s a house-elf’s favorite type of bread? Dobby’s “elf-in-rye.”

32. Why did Nearly Headless Nick become a comedian? Because he had a “head for humor.”

33. What do you call a wizard who tells jokes in the Great Hall? A “spell”binding comedian.

34. How do you catch a squirrel at Hogwarts? Climb a tree and act like a nut.

35. Why did Harry Potter bring a ladder to the library? Because he wanted to go to the “next chapter.”

36. What do you call a Hufflepuff who can sing? A “tune”fulpuff.

37. What’s Professor Sprout’s favorite type of flower? “Gilly”weed.

38. How do you make a potion to make you laugh? Stir in some “giggleweed.”

39. Why did Moaning Myrtle get kicked out of the library? Because she couldn’t “keep it down.”

40. What do you call a spell that makes your hair stand on end? “Hair-raisingus.”

41. Why did the Slytherin bring a ladder to the bathroom? Because they heard it was a “snake pit” in there.

42. How do you make a Gryffindor stop playing Quidditch? Take away their broom and say, “It’s time to get a “gryff-in-door” life!”

43. What do you call a spell that turns a pumpkin into a carriage? “Pumpkincarriage-us.”

44. Why did Hagrid start a garden club at Hogwarts? Because he wanted to “grow” a community.

45. How do you make a potion to see the future? Add “fore-sight-ight.”

46. Why did the Hogwarts student bring a ladder to the owlery? Because they wanted to send a “high-owl” message.

47. What do you call a spell that makes you invisible in the library? “Read-ius Invisibook.”

48. Why did the wizard bring a ladder to the Quidditch match? Because they heard the game was “off the charts.”

49. How do you make a wizard laugh on their birthday? Throw them a “spell-tacular” party.

50. Why did the Hogwarts student bring a ladder to the Forbidden Forest? Because they wanted to see “over-growth.”

51. What do you call a spell that turns a teapot into a toad? “Toadally Teapot-ious.”

52. Why did the owl join the Wizarding Wireless Network? Because it wanted to “tweet” in magical style.

53. How do you make a potion to fix broken glasses? Add “repairo-sight.”

54. Why did Ron Weasley bring a ladder to the Burrow? Because he wanted to “elevate” his game.

55. What do you call a spell that makes your hair grow quickly? “Hair-rapeed-o.”

56. Why did the wizard bring a ladder to the Quidditch stadium? Because they wanted to “rise” to the occasion.

57. How do you make a potion to give someone bad luck? Add “mischief-ify.”

58. Why did the Hogwarts student bring a ladder to the Room of Requirement? Because they wanted to fulfill a “heightened” need.

59. What do you call a spell that turns a feather into a ferret? “Featherus Ferretum.”

60. Why did Peeves the Poltergeist bring a ladder to Hogwarts? Because he wanted to “stir up” some trouble.

61. How do you make a potion to make things taste like chocolate? Add “chocolatus charmum.”

62. Why did the house-elf bring a ladder to the kitchen? Because they wanted to “reach” for the top shelf.

63. What do you call a spell that makes your voice sound like a trumpet? “Trumptus Vocalius.”

64. Why did the wizard bring a ladder to the Quidditch pitch? Because they wanted to “climb” to victory.

65. How do you make a potion to make things float in the air? Add “levitatus charmum.”

66. Why did Professor Lockhart bring a ladder to the Dueling Club? Because he wanted to show off his “high” dueling skills.

67. What do you call a spell that makes your socks dance? “Sockus Boogie-ous.”

68. Why did the Hogwarts student bring a ladder to the astronomy tower? Because they wanted to get a “star-studded” view.

69. What do you call a spell that turns a shoe into a mouse? “Shoerus Rodentum.”

70. Why did the wizard bring a ladder to the Triwizard Tournament? Because they wanted to “ascend” to victory.

71. How do you make a potion to make someone hiccup uncontrollably? Add “hiccupus maximus.”

72. Why did the Hogwarts student bring a ladder to the Prefects’ bathroom? Because they wanted to “elevate” their bath experience.

73. What do you call a spell that makes your hat spin around on your head? “Hatus Whirligigus.”

74. Why did the house-elf bring a ladder to the laundry room? Because they wanted to “rise” to the laundry challenge.

75. How do you make a potion to make objects turn into rubber? Add “rubberificus.”

76. Why did Nearly Headless Nick bring a ladder to the portrait gallery? Because he wanted to “hang around” with the other portraits.

77. What do you call a spell that makes your shoes tap dance? “Tapus Shoerus.”

78. Why did the wizard bring a ladder to the Forbidden Forest? Because they wanted to “climb” away from danger.

79. How do you make a potion to make someone’s hair stand on end? Add “hair-erectus.”

80. Why did the Hogwarts student bring a ladder to the Whomping Willow? Because they wanted to “rise” above the danger.

81. What do you call a spell that makes your scarf do tricks? “Scarfus Presto.”

82. Why did Peeves the Poltergeist bring a ladder to the Great Hall? Because he wanted to “raise” a ruckus.

83. How do you make a potion to make someone speak in rhymes? Add “rhymus speakus.”

84. Why did the house-elf bring a ladder to the library? Because they wanted to “reach” for knowledge.

85. What do you call a spell that makes your broomstick do somersaults? “Broomus Tumbleus.”

86. Why did Professor McGonagall bring a ladder to her Transfiguration class? Because she wanted to “elevate” her lesson.

87. How do you make a potion to make someone sneeze glitter? Add “glitterus sneezus.”

88. Why did Nearly Headless Nick bring a ladder to the dungeons? Because he wanted to “hang out” with the ghosts.

89. What do you call a spell that makes your robes dance on their own? “Robus Cha-cha.”

90. Why did the wizard bring a ladder to the Room of Requirement? Because they wanted to “ascend” to their needs.

91. How do you make a potion to make someone laugh uncontrollably? Add “laughus hysterius.”

92. Why did the Hogwarts student bring a ladder to the Astronomy Tower? Because they wanted to “reach for the stars.”

93. What do you call a spell that makes your umbrella twirl like a baton? “Umbrellus Batonius.”

94. Why did Peeves the Poltergeist bring a ladder to the Great Hall? Because he wanted to “stir up” some chaos.

95. How do you make a potion to make someone’s voice sound like a trumpet? Add “trumpetus vocalius.”

96. Why did the house-elf bring a ladder to the Quidditch pitch? Because they wanted to “rise” to the game.

97. What do you call a spell that makes your cauldron do a dance? “Cauldronus Jig.”

98. Why did Professor Lockhart bring a ladder to the Forbidden Forest? Because he wanted to “rise” above the danger.

99. How do you make a potion to make someone’s hair grow in all directions? Add “hairus chaosius.”

100. Why did the Hogwarts student bring a ladder to the Triwizard Tournament? Because they wanted to “ascend” to victory.

101. What do you call a spell that makes your quill write jokes on its own? “Quillus Comedius.”


These are just a few of the many Harry Potter jokes that are out there. Whether you’re a lifelong fan of the series or just getting started, these jokes are sure to make you laugh.

So next time you’re feeling down, just remember these Harry Potter jokes. They’re sure to put a smile on your face.

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