The second season of the Shadowverse Flame anime, titled “Seven Shadows Arc”, premiered on July 1, 2023. The arc follows the story of Hiro Ryugasaki as he tries to stop the Seven Shadows, a group of Shadowverse players who are using the game for evil purposes.
Review of Shadowverse Flame: Seven Shadows Arc
The Seven Shadows Arc is a more action-packed and suspenseful season than the first season. The stakes are higher, and the battles are more intense. The new characters are also well-developed and interesting.
One of the strengths of the Seven Shadows Arc is its character development. Hiro, Kaguya, and the rest of the cast grow and change throughout the season. They learn and adapt, and they become stronger as individuals and as a team.
The animation in the Seven Shadows Arc is also top-notch. The battles are fluid and exciting, and the visuals are stunning. The use of Shadowverse cards in the animation is also very well-done.
Overall, the Seven Shadows Arc is a great season of anime. It is action-packed, suspenseful, and well-animated. The characters are well-developed, and the story is engaging. If you enjoyed the first season of Shadowverse Flame, then you will definitely enjoy the Seven Shadows Arc.
Where to Watch Shadowverse Flame: Seven Shadows Arc
The Seven Shadows Arc is available to stream on Crunchyroll and Funimation. The episodes are released weekly on Wednesdays.
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