Blow Up My Life is a 2023 American dark comedy-thriller film written and directed by Ryan Dickie and Abigail Horton. The film stars Jason Selvig, Kara Young, Ben Horner, Davram Stiefler, and Reema Sampat.
Blow Up My Life follows Jason (Selvig), a disillusioned pharmaceutical employee who is fired after a drug-fueled social media post goes viral. However, when he accidentally discovers a deadly opioid conspiracy hidden by his former boss, he sets out to redeem himself by exposing the crime.
With the help of his computer wiz cousin Charlie (Young) and his journalist ex-girlfriend Priya (Sampat), Jason goes on the run as a reluctant whistleblower. But the CEO (Horner) at the heart of the scandal has other plans.
Blow Up My Life Review
Blow Up My Life is a fast-paced and suspenseful thriller with a sharp sense of humor. Selvig gives a charismatic performance as Jason, the reluctant hero who is forced to step up and fight for what’s right. Young and Sampat are also excellent in their supporting roles, providing Jason with much-needed support and guidance.
The film’s script is sharp and witty, with plenty of memorable lines and dialogue. Dickie and Horton do a great job of balancing the film’s suspenseful elements with its comedic ones.
The film’s production values are also impressive. The cinematography is slick and stylish, and the action sequences are well-choreographed.
Overall, Blow Up My Life is a well-made and entertaining thriller with something to offer everyone. It’s funny, suspenseful, and thought-provoking all at the same time.
Watch Blow Up My Life
Blow Up My Life is currently available to watch in select theaters and on demand. You can find more information about the film on its official website,
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Relevant Information for You
- Blow Up My Life is a 2023 American dark comedy-thriller film.
- The film was written and directed by Ryan Dickie and Abigail Horton.
- The film stars Jason Selvig, Kara Young, Ben Horner, Davram Stiefler, and Reema Sampat.
- The film follows Jason (Selvig), a disillusioned pharmaceutical employee who is fired after a drug-fueled social media post goes viral. However, when he accidentally discovers a deadly opioid conspiracy hidden by his former boss, he sets out to redeem himself by exposing the crime.
- With the help of his computer wiz cousin Charlie (Young) and his journalist ex-girlfriend Priya (Sampat), Jason goes on the run as a reluctant whistleblower. But the CEO (Horner) at the heart of the scandal has other plans.
- Blow Up My Life is currently available to watch in select theaters and on demand.
Blow Up My Life is a timely and relevant thriller that tackles the important issue of the opioid epidemic. It’s also a well-made and entertaining film with something to offer everyone. If you’re looking for a suspenseful thriller with a sharp sense of humor, then Blow Up My Life is the film for you.