Dragon Ball Super is a popular manga series that continues the story of Goku and his friends after the events of Dragon Ball Z. The manga has been praised for its action, humor, and stunning visuals. But which chapters are the best?
Here are our picks for the 10 best Dragon Ball Super manga chapters:
1. Chapter 62: Edge of Defeat
This chapter is a major turning point in the Goku Black Saga, as Goku and Vegeta finally defeat Fused Zamasu. The battle is intense and suspenseful, and the ending is truly epic.
2. Chapter 24: Son Goku’s Evolution
This chapter introduces Goku’s new transformation, Ultra Instinct. Ultra Instinct is a power that allows Goku to fight without thinking, and it gives him a significant edge over his opponents.
3. Chapter 56: Warriors of Earth Assemble
This chapter sees the Z-Fighters come together to fight against Goku Black and his army of androids. The battle is a major test for the Z-Fighters, but they ultimately prevail.
4. Chapter 16: “Future Trunks’s Past”
This chapter tells the story of Future Trunks’s past, and how he came to be fighting against Goku Black. The chapter is both heartbreaking and inspiring, and it gives us a deeper understanding of Future Trunks’s character.
5. Chapter 61: Vegeta Reborn
This chapter sees Vegeta finally achieve his dream of surpassing Goku. Vegeta trains for years to master the Ultra Instinct technique, and he finally succeeds. The chapter is a major victory for Vegeta, and it sets the stage for his future battles.
6. Chapter 23: The Potara’s True Worth
This chapter introduces the Potara earrings, which allow two beings to fuse into one. The earrings are used by Goku and Vegeta to fuse into Vegito, who becomes one of the most powerful beings in the universe.
7. Chapter 13: The Winning Universe Is Decided!
This chapter is the climax of the Tournament of Power. The remaining fighters from Universe 7 face off against Jiren of Universe 11, and the fate of the universe hangs in the balance.
8. Chapter 48: Moro’s Wish
This chapter introduces Moro, the main villain of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga. Moro is a powerful sorcerer who is bent on destroying the universe. Goku and Vegeta must team up with the Galactic Patrol to stop him.
9. Chapter 28: The Gods of Destruction From All 12 Universes!
This chapter introduces the Gods of Destruction, who are the guardians of the 12 universes. The Gods of Destruction are incredibly powerful, and they play a major role in the Dragon Ball Super story.
10. Chapter 37: Awaken, Super Saiyan Kale
This chapter introduces Kale, a powerful Saiyan from Universe 6. Kale is able to transform into a Super Saiyan, and she becomes a major threat to Goku and Vegeta.
These are just a few of the best Dragon Ball Super manga chapters. If you’re a fan of the series, be sure to check them out!
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